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Active If Greater Than: Lerp threshold from which the gesture will be considered as active.
Lerp: Value from 0 to 1 that reflects the intensity with which the gesture is being performed.
Is Active: Is the gesture currently being considered as active?
Speed: How fast is gesture's lerp value increasing or decreasing?
Time Active: How long has the gesture been active uninterruptedly?
Provides Intention: Do this gesture implement intention detection?
Some built-in gestures (grasp and pinch) implement intention detection so they can filter false positives.
Intetion Lerp: Value from 0 to 1 that reflects the intensity with which the gesture is being performed intentionally.
Is Intentionally Active: Is the gesture currently being considered as intentionally active?
Intention Time: How long has the gesture been intentionally active uninterruptedly?
OnActivation: Invoked when the gesture becomes active (when .lerp exceeds the threshold .activeIfGreaterThan).
OnDeactivation: Invoked when the gesture becomes inactive (when .lerp drops under the threshold .activeIfGreaterThan).
OnIntendedActivation: Invoked when the gesture becomes intentionally active (when .intentionLerp exceeds the threshold .activeIfGreaterThan).
OnIntendedDeactivation: Invoked when the gesture becomes intentionally inactive (when .intentionLerp drops under the threshold .activeIfGreaterThan).
Built-in finger gestures are described here.
Built-in hand gestures are described here.