You can do some complex stuff with very little code. Here's how 👨💻
How to access the left hand of the first registered avatar?
HandView hand = HPTK.core.avatars[0].body.leftHand;
How to access the Transform of the master representation of the tip of the pinky finger?
Transform tip = hand.pinky.tip.reprs[AvatarModel.key].transformRef;
Transform tip = hand.pinky.tip.master.transformRef;
How to get the avatar from a hand?
AvatarView a = hand.body.avatar;
How to get the root bone of the parent part of the hand (upper arm bone)?
BoneView b = hand.parent.root;
How to listen to tracking lost/recovery events?
InputView input = hand.GetRegisteredView<InputView>();
if (input != null)
Contact detection
How to get the list of objects that are at least being hovered?
ContactDetectionView detector = hand.GetRegisteredView<ContactDetectionView>();
if (detector != null)
List<ContactableView> contactables = detector.contacts.FindAll(c => c.type >= ContactType.Entered).ConvertAll(c => c.contactable);
Gesture detection
How to do something only when the user is performing a gesture (index pinch) but not another one (pose match)?
GestureDetectionView detector = hand.GetRegisteredView<GestureDetectionView>();
if (detector != null)
Gesture poseMatch = detector.extra.Find(g => g is HandPoseMatch);
Gesture indexPinch = detector.index.pinch;
// .lerp values goes from 0.0 to 1.0
if (indexPinch.lerp > 0.8f && poseMatch.lerp < 0.2f)
// ...
How to make slave hand to fall dramatically after 10 seconds?
AsyncHelpers.DoAfterTime(this, 10.0f, () =>
if (hand.wrist.reprs.ContainsKey(PuppetModel.key) && hand.wrist.reprs[PuppetModel.key] is PuppetReprView)
PuppetReprView puppetRepr = hand.wrist.reprs[PuppetModel.key] as PuppetReprView;
puppetRepr.pheasy.rb.useGravity = true;
ConfigurableJoint wristJoint = puppetRepr.constraint.joint;
wristJoint.xDrive = new JointDrive();
wristJoint.yDrive = new JointDrive();
wristJoint.zDrive = new JointDrive();
wristJoint.slerpDrive = new JointDrive();
How to get the maximum stregth for the rotation drive of the physical constraint that drives the index root?
BoneView indexRoot = hand.index.root;
if (indexRoot.point.reprs.ContainsKey("slave") && indexRoot.point.reprs["slave"] is PuppetReprView)
PuppetReprView puppetRepr = indexRoot.point.reprs["slave"] as PuppetReprView;
float strength = puppetRepr.constraint.settings.angularDrive.maxForce;
or without hard-coded representation keys (recommended)
BoneView indexRoot = hand.index.root;
if (indexRoot.point.reprs.ContainsKey(PuppetModel.key) && indexRoot.point.reprs[PuppetModel.key] is PuppetReprView)
PuppetReprView puppetRepr = indexRoot.point.reprs[PuppetModel.key] as PuppetReprView;
float strength = puppetRepr.constraint.settings.angularDrive.maxForce;