Contact Detection
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ContactDetection module keeps track of contacts between hand's slave representation and contactable Rigidbodies (ContactableViews). It can distinguish hovering, touching and friction-based grabbing. This module requires a Puppet module to be registered in the same part. Variables of this model are described bellow:
Part: The part whose slave representation will be subject to contact detection. This reference has to be manually set.
Hover DetectionSystem: How should hovering be detected?
Overlap Sphere From Root: ContactableViews inside a sphere with center ContactDetectionModel.part.root.point.reprs["slave"].transformRef.position
and radius ContactDetectionModel.sphereCastRadius
will be considered as entered (hovered).
Triggers: TriggerNotifiers form Pheasy component of slave representation of part's root bone will be used to detect entered (hovered) objects.
Sphere Cast Radius: If using sphere overlap as hover detection system, this value will represent the radius of that sphere.
Detect Only These: If enabled, the list ContactDetectionModel.bonesToDetect
won't be automatically populated and the existing bones in this list will be the only ones that will be subjected to contact detection.
Bones To Detect: List of bones subjected to contact detection.
Is Entered: Is some bone hovering some contactable object?
Is Touched: Is some bone touching some contactable object?
Is Grasped: Is the part grasping some contactable object?
Contacts: List of detected contacts. Contacts are described in detail here.
Grasping detection is only appliable when references part is a hand (HandModel).
OnFirstEnter: Emmitted when a bone starts hovering an object while the rest of the bones are not contacting (hovering, touching or grasping) any object.
OnEnter: Emitted when a bone starts hovering some contactable object.
OnFirstTouch: Emmitted when a bone starts touching an object while the rest of the bones are not touching or grasping any object.
OnTouch: Emitted when a bone starts touching some contactable object.
OnFirstGrasp: Emmitted when a bone starts grasping an object while the rest of the bones are not touching or grasping any object.
OnGrasp: Emitted when a bone starts grasping some contactable object.
OnUngrasp: Emitted when a bone stops grasping some contactable object.
OnLastUngrasp: Emmitted when the last bone grasping an object stops doing it.
OnUntouch: Emitted when a bone stops touching some contactable object.
OnLastUntouch: Emmitted when the last bone touching an object stops doing it.
OnExit: Emitted when a bone stops hovering some contactable object.
OnLastExit: Emmitted when the last bone hovering an object stops doing it.